In Karify you can communicate in a secured online environment, provide online care and offer tailored information to clients. In this article you find information on the general concepts within Karify.
The basis
You can use the menu on the left to navigate through Karify. Per user and per Healthspace the amount and the type of functionalities can differ. Below we discuss the most common functionalities in Karify:
Admin settings. You see this button if you have the role of owner, administrator or assistant in the Healthspace. Via Admin settings you can invite clients and employees to the Healthspace and via Settings you can adjust the settings of the Healthspace.
Clients. Here you see your online caseload, in other words all clients with whom you have a connection within the Healthspace. By clicking on a clients' name, you open the client's file where you can view the open tasks, send a message or start a video call. Via Manage clients you can make new connections and / or invite clients, depending on your role in Karify.
Library. The owner or administrator of the Healthspace can set up the library in the Healthspace. For example, clients can find information leaflets, instructional videos and useful links in the library. You can also organize items by category.
Messages. Here you can exchange secured messages with clients and colleagues within the Healthspace.
E-consult. An e-consult is a short online question from a client to the healthcare provider, for example for rescheduling an appointment.
My Healthspaces. This is an overview of the online treatment environments (Healthspaces) to which you have access. By clicking on the logo / name you can navigate to the Healthspace.
My account. Here you can manage your profile and account settings. You can for instance upload a profile picture, adjust your preferred language or change your password and email address. You can also navigate to My account by clicking up right on your name/profile picture.
When there is activity in Karify, for instance when you received a new message or when there is a new assignment scheduled for you, then you'll be notified of this through email notifications.
You can set up which notifications you want to receive. All notifications are switched on by default. You can adjust your notification settings by clicking on My account => Notifications.
Why are some buttons in the overview not visible to me?
It is possible that certain buttons are not visible to you in your online environment. In Karify, each user is assigned one or more roles. These roles determine to which functionalities you have access.
Do you have questions about this? Then contact the owner / administrator of the Healthspace or contact our Help desk.