Inviting clients to Karify

Inviting clients to Karify

You can invite clients to become a member of the Healthspace. With this invitation, clients can create a Karify account or - if they already have a Karify account - simply gain access to the Healthspace. This article described how to invite clients to Karify. 


The “Manage clients” button (for clinicians)

Staff members in Karify who have the role of “Clinician who can invite his/her own clients” have a Manage clients button to invite their own clients.

  • Click on the Clients button in the navigation bar

  • Click on the Manage clients button

  • Click on Send invitation

Personal information

Submit the personal information of the patient. You need the email address of the user to send the invitation.

An identification number is automatically added. You might need to edit this identification number according to the conventions of your organization. Please inform within your organization which number should be used here.

Add connections

You can set up a connection with this client, so you can view the patient record as soon as he/she has created his/her Karify account. The patient will be automatically notified when the connection is created. For more information about connections, please read this article

Open invitations

After sending the invitation, the client receives an email to join the Healthspace. 

At the tab Open invitations you can view the open invitation and - if necessary - withdraw the invitation or resend the invitation. An automatic reminder is sent after 3 and 7 days. 

If you withdraw an invitation, the invitation is no longer valid.

The “Admin” button (for Assistants)

With the Assistant or Owner role in Karify, you can invite clients and staff members to become a member of the Healthspace. 


Click on the Admin button in the navigation bar.

You are now in the Healthspace admin. 

  • Click on Send invitation

  • Click on Invite a client

Fill in the required information. The email address of the user is used to send the invitation. 


Personal and administrative information

Fill in the required personal information of the user. The email address is used to send the invitation. An identification number is filled in by default. Please inform within your organization which number should be used here. 


Add connections

You can already set up a connection between a staff member and one or more clients when sending the invitation. In this way, the connection is made automatically made when the client activates his/her Healthspace membership. The client and all connected staff members receive an automatic email notification when the connection becomes active. For more information about connections, please read this article.


Add assignments

When setting up a new invitation for Karify, assignments can be added to the invitation. As soon as the client accepts the invitation, the assignments will be planned in the client record. In this way, the client has direct access to the assignment as soon the account is activated. 

Open invitations

In the tab Open invitations an overview is presented of all sent invitations. Here, you can choose to withdraw an invitation (if necessary) or send a manual reminder to the client. An automatic reminder is sent from Karify after 3 and 7 days.  
If you withdraw an open invitation, the invitation is no longer valid. 

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