Your clients

Your clients

Two aspects are discussed in this article: administrating clients and use of the client record.

1. Invite clients and make connections

This explanation is intended for clinicians with rights to invite clients themselves and / or make connections with clients themselves. You can have different roles in Karify. Read more about roles in Karify here.

Do you want to invite a client and / or add a connection as an assistant? Then click here.

Invite clients

  1. Click on Clients -> My clients
  2. Click right on top on Send invitation
  3. Fill in the first name, surname and email address of the client. 
  4. You can choose to immediately create a connection with the client. This box is ticked by default. 
  5. Click on Invite client. The client receives an invitation with which he / she can immediately create a Karify account and gain access to the Healthspace.

Make a connection

If, as a clinician, you have rights to make connections yourself (but not to invite clients), you can do this after the client has created the account.

  1. Click on Clients -> My clients.
  2. Seek the client with whom you want to connect. You can search by surname, date of birth and/or identification number.

    Please note: you will only find the client in this overview if he / she is a member of the Healthspace. If the client is not yet a member, then ask the Healthspace assistant or the secretariat to invite the client. 

  3. Click on + Add connection.


Why don't I see the Manage clients or Send invitation button?

There are different roles in Karify, to which certain rights are attached. If you do not see these buttons, you probably have not been granted these rights.

You can then best contact the secretariat of your organization or another internal contact point that manages Karify.

2. The client record 

Under Clients, you find an overview of all the clients with whom you have a connection in the Healthspace. You can click on the name of a client  to open his / her record. You can also see here whether there are any open tasks for you - such as unread messages from clients or submitted assignments that you can review.


If a client submits an assignment or has sent you a new message, you will be notified through e-mail notifications. In addition, under the Clients with tasks tab you will find all clients for whom a certain action is still required.

Client record

Clients can store and manage their Karify data in their own record. They can upload for instance a referral letter, a treatment plan or a submitted assignment. As a clinician, you can open and view the record of clients with whom you have a connection in the Healthspace.

  • Client data. At the top of the record you can see the client's details, such as the name, date of birth and identification number.
  • Assignments. Here you can see which assignments have been scheduled for a client. You see the progress a client has made and you can view the submitted assignments and provide them with feedback. Want to know more about planning a treatment? Click here.
  • Finished assignments. Here you will find submitted assignments from the client. The most recently submitted assignment is shown at the top.
  • Video conversations. If you use video calling in Karify, you will find an overview of the dates, time and duration of the video calls here. The content of the conversations is not recorded.
  • Files. Clients have the option of storing files in their Karify record. Per file, the client can choose to share it within the Healthspace or not. If a client shares a document with you, you will receive an e-mail notification.
  • Messages. Here you see all message conversations in which the client takes part. You can also view the messages between the client and other practitioners.
  • Notes. You can add a note in the client record. This is visible only to  other practitioners who have a connection with the clients. The client has no access to these notes. It is currently not possible to alter or delete notes. 
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